Rick went to film school at the University of Miami. In his last student film he cast the Jets quarterback, Vinnie Testerverde, who was a friend and student back then.
After film school, Rick wrote for many small independent films. In 2004 he presented Mr. Calo with the first draft of JOHNNY POSTAL and has been his co-writer for the past six-teen years. He introduced Mr. Calo to Umberto Turelli. The projects he and Frank wrote together are as follows: JOHNNY POSTAL, EYES OF THE KINGS, AWESOME GAL, ANGEL SMILES, PAY IT FORWARD, and the entire first season of the television episodic piece, ESQ (starring actor Dayton Callie).
“Rick is a wonderful writer and collaborator. I can never go on a set without him at my side. Every idea, thought, or concept for a screenplay I have I run past him, and that is always where the battles and fun begin.” -Frank M Calo